I don’t sell this product, nor do I get a kickback, but I greatly appreciate this company’s clever and compelling marketing message. I agree with most of the valuable info! In my opinion, though, “Emma” is unnecessarily pricey, so I recommend looking at the ingredients to see how you might formulate something similar, and add a hefty portion of Triphala to the ingredients. 👇
Introducing EMMA – a poop-releasing routine that helps:
✔️ Release stuck poop
✔️ Regulate bowel movements
✔️ Reduce cramps and bloating
✔️ Avoid leaky gut
✔️ Enhance digestion and weight loss
Ingredient | Effect |
DGL | Acts as a digestive lubricant and promotes healing of the digestive tract |
Star Anise | Exhibits antibacterial properties and stimulates the digestive tract |
Quercetin | Strengthens the gut lining and improves nutrient absorption |
Berberine | Promotes gut health and regulates blood sugar levels |
Chicory Root Inulin | Feeds good bacteria in the gut and regulates bowel movements |
Resveratrol | Boosts the bioavailability of berberine and supports gut remodeling |
“Get Out, Damn Poop!”
Poop Easily Every Day And Flatten Belly Bloat Without Probiotics, Fiber, or Laxatives…
Find out how 19,583 formerly-constipated Americans are now enjoying perfect poops without pain, strain, or dangerous enemas!
Leading New York City gut doctor Dr. Gina Sam M.D. has discovered a new way to clear bloating, ease constipation and increase gut motility to restore perfect daily poops.
It involves eliminating digestion-slowing bacteria that can take over the digestive tract.
Keep reading to discover a new 7-second poop releasing ritual that can eliminate up to 10 pounds of constipation and help flatten a bloated belly.
Gently yet fully eliminate bowels each morning without pain or strain
Poop out up to 10-15 pounds of bloat in the first month.
Stay lean and trim by reducing gut inflammation and stuck poop
Help eliminate painful heartburn and indigestion that comes from spicy foods
Enjoy favorite foods without bloating and unexplained weight gain
Meet Dr. Gina Sam, A World Renowned Expert On Digestion and Gut Movement
Gina Sam, MD, MPH, is a gastroenterologist who diagnoses and treats patients at The Institute of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders and Integrative Health in New York City, New York. She is the founder of the practice, which she dedicates to GI motility disorders and sluggish digestion.

“My name is Dr. Gina Sam. I’m a board-certified gastroenterologist and professor of Medicine based in New York City.
I served as the director of the Mount Sinai Gastrointestinal Motility Center for several years, and I also served at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, the biomedical research unit, and the medical school of Cornell University.
I’m the founder and director of The Institute of Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders and Integrative Health in New York City.
Many doctors consider me the world’s foremost authority on ‘gut motility’.
If you’ve never heard that term, gut motility is just a fancy way of saying ‘digestion speed’ or ‘pooping speed’.
In other words, ‘gut motility’ measures how fast food makes its transit through the gut and becomes poop.
If gut motility is too fast, the gut won’t extract the proper nutrition out of food, and one ends up with diarrhea.
Too slow and folks end up with dry hard feces, or worse constipated, suffering from unsightly belly bulge and unexplained weight gain, and find themselves squeezing and straining on the toilet.”
Why Most Digestion ‘Remedies’ Do More Harm Than Good…
These are things I see almost on a daily basis in my NYC office, and I know very well the problems that happen when you use these kinds of temporary solutions.
Sure, some of these could provide some relief momentarily…
But because the root cause isn’t addressed, the symptoms come back in a couple of days, and each time in the cycle, the gut becomes more and more degraded, suffering from constipation, bloating, embarrassing gas, and spending hours on the toilet squeezing and straining.

Fiber has been a digestive remedy as far back as I remember. I actually remember being a little girl and seeing the big orange cans of fiber on my uncle’s counter.
Because fiber will bulk poop and expands inside the intestines, it can sometimes push things through temporarily and gives some people the ‘impression’ that it’s actually helping with constipation.
However, most people with these kinds of symptoms have too much bacteria.
👉🏽 The problem is fiber FEEDS bad bacteria and parasites.
This creates gas and uncomfortable, painful bloating. If you’ve tried certain fiber supplements, you might know exactly what I’m talking about.
Not to mention, most commercial fiber products are loaded with artificial sweeteners and flavors to mask the horrible taste and just aren’t very effective.
And especially if someone’s looking to get their digestion back on track – commercial fiber supplements are doing more harm than good.
I’ll show you a more natural way – a way that will reduce bloating and gently speed up pooping speed, and help stools pass effortlessly every day – with ease.

A laxative is a chemical, usually polyethylene glycol, that forces the body into pushing out the contents of the colon.
So yes, laxatives can work temporarily. However, you should never use laxatives, and here’s why:
👉🏽 Laxatives will actually destroy parts of the colon.
In one study, the mucosal lining was negatively impacted to the point where the natural folds inside of the intestine had turned completely smooth [3].
Once the colon loses its shape, form, and elasticity, it’s no longer as effective in terms of waste removal. As a result, people might start to rely on laxatives. And once they start relying on them, it becomes increasingly difficult to stop.
👉🏽 It’s a dangerous cycle that leads to habitual use and worsening digestion with each use.
And not only that, using laxatives over time will eradicate most of the body’s healthy good bacteria.
There’s a simple way to restore and strengthen the body’s good bacteria while deep cleaning the small intestine, eliminating bacterial colonies and parasites.

Ok, so all these things don’t work because they get to destroy the natural gut microbiome and kill most of the body’s good bacteria…
Now you might be asking… but what about probiotics?
Probiotics have literally exploded in popularity over the past 4 years.
So why has bloating and constipation increased sharply over that same time period?
Now don’t get me wrong. Probiotics are amazing when they are in the right place.
But here’s the problem with this… How do you not only bypass the destructive acid to the stomach but get it to the large intestine?
Not to mention that the small intestine should be kept clean and free from bacteria at all times.

It’s not possible with oral probiotics. Most get burned up in the stomach acid, while the ones that DO survive only make it to the small intestine — which is NOT where they’re supposed to be.
Chances are the small intestine does not need more bacteria. In fact, the small intestine needs much less bacteria – it should be perfectly clean.
👉🏽 In other words, probiotics when taken orally, are counterproductive.
In fact, a recent study showed that oral probiotics actually slow down the rebuilding of a normal gut microbiome.
The clinical trial published in the Cell Journal, showed that ‘probiotic use led to delays in the normal healthy bacteria re-establishing themselves.’
Senior researcher Eran Elinav, MD, PhD, concluded, “Contrary to the current dogma that probiotics are harmless and benefit everyone, these results reveal a new potential adverse side effect ofprobiotic use that might even bring long-term consequences.”
The Surprising “Root Cause” Of Bloating, Gas and Constipation
So before we talk about how methane affects the gut, here’s a quick lesson on how food and waste products move through the digestive tract…
Food moves through the gut using a process called peristalsis. Peristalsis is the involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine, creating wave-like movements that push the contents along the intestine.
You see, there are nerve endings throughout the walls of the intestines… And these nerve endings sense where the food is and act accordingly, pushing it through the digestive tract.
There’s also the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC), which are the ‘waves’ that clean and flush out the digestive system. These cleaning ‘waves’ should be happening around once every 4 hours.
When there’s constipation and bloating, it means that these waves have slowed dramatically. For many years, this slowdown was a mystery even to the top gut doctors.
Recently, a study from The Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia shows that peristalsis waves are drastically slowed by the presence of methane gas.

And once this happens, the blockage gets backed up even further and now extends into the small intestine, eventually reaching the stomach, causing nausea, ulcers, and heartburn.
In turn, this creates even more bacterial overgrowth and even more production of methane gas. And besides smelling terrible, this gas can cause one’s belly to protrude and makes everyday living very uncomfortable.
Folks end up constipated, squeezing, and straining, maybe even having feelings of nausea, just feeling fatigued and unwell.
Right now, one might be thinking, where does the methane gas come from in the first place. And that’s a very good question…
It Slows Your Digestion To A Grinding Halt, And Here’s Where It
Comes From…
You see, it’s well known that digestion-slowing methane gas is actually the byproduct of microscopic invaders called Archaea.
Archaea are ancient, single-celled organisms that can live in extreme environments like salt lakes or hot springs and also inside animal and human guts.
It’s an infestation – a rogue colony of methane-producing bacteria that have made themselves at home in the small intestine — a place that needs to be relatively clean.
Methane gas — waste product from these organisms — transforms the gut into an environment that suits their offspring and colonies.
These nasty parasitic invaders slow down pooping speed in order to increase their feeding time and also prevents their victims from expelling them into the toilet.
They are creating an environment where their colonies are more safe and comfortable, and meanwhile, their human host becomes constipated, backed up, and feeling miserable.
They can affect the brain, causing cravings, and generally hijack the gut for their own purposes — at the expense of one’s health.
Bad Bacteria Takes Hold For example, stress, antacids, antibiotics, artificial sweeteners weaken defenses, allowing pathogenic bacteria, parasites or archaea
(single cell organisms) to take hold.
A Clogged Colon Can Lead to SIBO, Microbiome Imbalance, Leaky Gut And Unexplained Weight Gain
Once the gut loses the ability to keep pushing its contents through, it results in a nasty buildup of sludge and digestion-slowing bacteria.
Bacterial overgrowth is rarely detected by doctors. Sadly, it’s a silent thief of energy, vitality, and health.
Their goal is to grow the colony, so they send signals to the brain to overeat. Because let’s face it… When folks overeat, it helps their colonies grow even faster.
All of these organisms have their own waste products. And those waste products go straight back into the bloodstream,making one feel sick, tired, and vulnerable to excessive weight gain.
👉🏽 Ultimately, these organisms and their byproduct, methane gas, will slow down digestion, resulting to constipation and build-up of fecal matter in the colon.

Brush Border Damage
First, the bacteria produce toxic byproducts that damage the brush border of the small intestines. The brush border is the absorptive surface of the intestinal cells, and when it is healthy, it produces enzymes that break down food. Once this process is damaged, digestion is slowed even more.
Cell Lining Damage
Hidden colonies of bacteria may also damage the cell lining the small intestine (the mucosa), causing significant interferences with the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients; this may result in leaky gut, food intolerances, as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies. And these deficiencies cause cravings that can’t be satisfied, no matter how much you eat.
Hiding Organisms
Some of the organisms like to burrow themselves into the intestine so they can hide. This creates little tears in the intestine, which allows their toxic byproducts, as well as undigested pieces of food and microscopic pieces of poop, to leak into the bloodstream, where it causes headaches, fatigue, and joint pain.
The KEY Is To Stop The Production of Methane Gas At The Source…
What if there was something folks could do at home, using safe and plant-based ingredients to clear out every foreign invader that slowed digestion?
It could literally mean relief for hundreds of thousands of people around the world who couldn’t make it to my New York City practice.
No more worrying about digestive issues when going out with friends and family. No more worrying about how certain foods will affect digestion…
👉🏽 No more unwanted, unexplained weight gain or worrying about what to wear or how to hide a bloated belly.
So I began researching every natural ingredient and at-home methods I could find that could gently eliminate the overgrowth of archaea and naturally restore balance to the gut microbiome. There are tens of thousands of ingredients out there, and most of them have little to no clinical studies.
It wasn’t until I started looking at rare, exotic ingredients used in Southeast Asia that I found what I was looking for.
A Power Wash For The Insides, Formulated With The Help Of Renowned NYC Gut Doctor Gina Sam M.D.
The first and only Doctor-Endorsed Formula that targets digestion-slowing bacteria and microbiome imbalances of the small intestine and strengthens the microbiome at the same time.
The breakthrough is the selectivity and the ability to destroy bacteria in the small intestine while strengthening the delicate microbiome of the large intestine.
It’s like a power wash for your insides.
Imagine finally waking up in the morning and completely emptying the bowels so the stomach feels flat and sexy…
To shed several pounds of “stuck poop” and watch in disbelief as the belly shrinks…
And finally, feel LIGHT and ENERGETIC as excess poop is removed…
Gone are the days of straining and squeezing. Not knowing when a successful trip to the bathroom will finally happen.
This isn’t a dangerous flush or laxative. That’s hard on the system, and over time, they smooth out the delicate folds of tissue that are used to push things through.
Emma uses cellular signaling — the same language the good guys in the gut use to talk to each other. In this way, Emma has a remarkable ability to target the digestion-slowing bacteria, know who’s good and who’s bad, and has got to go!
3 Ways Emma Helps People Achieve “Perfect Poops”
Emma is a science-backed formula using ingredients designed to flush out digestion-slowing bacteria, reducing bloating, and embarrassing gas, while also strengthening the gut microbiome.
Now, say goodbye to spending hours on the toilet with painful straining, excessive wiping, chafing. Emma has helped thousands of people finally flatten their waistlines by “flushing out the bloat” and eliminating 10 or more pounds of toxic poop that might be fermenting inside the belly.

It clears out digestion-destroying bacteria that have formed colonies deep inside the folds of the intestineswhile supporting the healthy gut microbiome, reducing embarrassing gas, painful bloating, and cleaning out other toxic byproducts of these rogue invaders.

It calms the nerves and relaxes the tight intestinal muscles so stools can effortlessly glide out of the colon, giving the feeling of complete release and elimination daily.
Emma’s Clinically Supported Ingredients Promote Total Gut Cleansing And Detoxification
Berberine: The Southeast Asian Digestive Superpower
Berberine is an amazing plant extract that has been used in Eastern medicine since around 650 B.C. For over three thousand years, Berberine was highly regarded for its healing properties and used in ancient and traditional medicine in both Asia and Egypt.
This ingredient has been studied by scientists and health experts across the world, yet in the modern Western world, it’s been kept hidden from us.
Berberine acts like an army of friendly soldiers that march straight to the gut and get to work destroying the nasty gut invaders that may have hijacked the body.
Not only will it help kill off the nasty archaea that have taken over the gut, but it can also help fully empty the bowels every day to feel light and energetic again…
Say goodbye to uncomfortable gas, painful straining, and excessive wiping…

Also, say goodbye to that “bloated belly look” and hello to a slim and trim midsection that feels confident and sexy…
And unlike antibiotics, which are massively
Berberine kills the methane-producing archaea without harming any of the friendly microbiome in the gut.
Studies have actually shown that it boosts and strengthens the friendly flora.
In fact, a 2014 study conducted at The Johns Hopkins Department of Internal Medicine found Berberine was shown to be as effective as Rifaximin (a strong antibiotic) in reducing bacterial overgrowth as well as eliminating archaea, but WITHOUT the side effects.
In a 2018 animal study, Berberine was shown to not only destroy archaea and other digestion-slowing bacteria living inside the gut microbiome but also to boost healthy, friendly flora that have their own incredible health-promoting effects.
Berberine has many other healing qualities which include lowering blood sugar and cholesterol, and it’s also great for weight loss because it activates the AMPK pathway — the metabolic master switch.
The more I discovered about Berberine, the more I knew it would be a total game-changer for my patients.
But remember – Berberine alone is extremely hard to absorb and not very bioavailable.
Which is why I started to experiment with a few other gut-healing ingredients that can be combined to increase bioavailability and help deliver faster more permanent results.
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL): Digestive Lubricant That Helps Perfect Poops Slide Out With Ease
Used as a digestive aid for thousands of years, DGL has been shown to heal the digestive tract by increasing the body’s mucus-producing cells in the gastrointestinal lining.
This mucus serves two very important functions in the stomach…
Berberine: The Southeast Asian Digestive Superpower
Berberine is an amazing plant extract that has been used in Eastern medicine since around 650 B.C. For over three thousand years, Berberine was highly regarded for its healing properties and used in ancient and traditional medicine in both Asia and Egypt.
This ingredient has been studied by scientists and health experts across the world, yet in the modern Western world, it’s been kept hidden from us.
Berberine acts like an army of friendly soldiers that march straight to the gut and get to work destroying the nasty gut invaders that may have hijacked the body.
Not only will it help kill off the nasty archaea that have taken over the gut, but it can also help fully empty the bowels every day to feel light and energetic again…
Say goodbye to uncomfortable gas, painful straining, and excessive wiping…

Also, say goodbye to that “bloated belly look” and hello to a slim and trim midsection that feels confident and sexy…
And unlike antibiotics, which are massively
Berberine kills the methane-producing archaea without harming any of the friendly microbiome in the gut.
Studies have actually shown that it boosts and strengthens the friendly flora.
In fact, a 2014 study conducted at The Johns Hopkins Department of Internal Medicine found Berberine was shown to be as effective as Rifaximin (a strong antibiotic) in reducing bacterial overgrowth as well as eliminating archaea, but WITHOUT the side effects.
In a 2018 animal study, Berberine was shown to not only destroy archaea and other digestion-slowing bacteria living inside the gut microbiome but also to boost healthy, friendly flora that have their own incredible health-promoting effects.
Berberine has many other healing qualities which include lowering blood sugar and cholesterol, and it’s also great for weight loss because it activates the AMPK pathway — the metabolic master switch.
The more I discovered about Berberine, the more I knew it would be a total game-changer for my patients.
But remember – Berberine alone is extremely hard to absorb and not very bioavailable.
Which is why I started to experiment with a few other gut-healing ingredients that can be combined to increase bioavailability and help deliver faster more permanent results.
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL): Digestive Lubricant That Helps Perfect Poops Slide Out With Ease
Used as a digestive aid for thousands of years, DGL has been shown to heal the digestive tract by increasing the body’s mucus-producing cells in the gastrointestinal lining.
This mucus serves two very important functions in the stomach…

First, it provides a protective coated layer that cushions and protects cells from external toxins and even the body’s own digestive acids and enzymes.
And second, it creates a wet, slippery substance that helps movements pass through easily, helping to promotemagical daily poops that practically slide out on their own without pushing or strain.
Like a well-lubricated slide, DGL helps poop effortlessly glide through the intestines while unclogging the colon and eliminating the build-up of “stuck poop” that causes excessive fecal weight issues.
DGL is the KEY to those perfect poops that slide out clean and require minimal wiping.
It’s also been used traditionally by women to help balance hormones during menstruation and menopause.
Star Anise: A 3000-Year-Old Ancient Secret That Optimizes Bile Production
Next, I included a 3000-year-old Asian secret called Star Anise…
Star Anise helps stimulate the digestive tract and release the body’s natural laxative, bile.
Many people with constipation have low bile and don’t even realize it.
Bile acids are created in the liver and released into the digestive system to help break down fats so they can be absorbed into the body through the small intestine.
Bile acid also softens stools, providing even more lubrication for poop to quickly move through the colon.
Quercetin: Master Antioxidant That Helps Repair Intestinal Damage And Reduces Allergies
I also included one of my all-time favorite ingredients, the plant-based polyphenol, Quercetin.
Quercetin is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and has been shown to support the body’s immune system.
Some studies even suggest that in certain conditions, it has the potential to help kill off cancer cells, control blood sugar, and also prevent heart disease.
And while that’s wonderful, the main reason I included Quercetin is because it also helps protect the intestinal walls from Archaea and other parasites…
Remember, we talked about how leaky gut is caused by holes in the gut lining that allow tiny particles of poop to leak into the bloodstream, causing headaches, joint pain and fatigue?
Quercetin acts like a repairman and helps cells patch up the holes and supports the mucosal lining of the gut, which is the protective barrier separating the gut from the bloodstream.
Resveratrol: A Powerful Fat Burner That Will Also ‘Remodel The Gut’
Now, remember we talked about Berberine and all of its incredible benefits for flushing the bowels and repairing the gut lining, but it’s just not very bio-available?
Well, our final ingredient, Resveratrol, is THE KEY to boosting bioavailability and unlocking all of its full power, as well as bringing its own powerful set of benefits.
For example, Resveratrol is one of the compounds responsible for the “French Paradox.”
At a time when dietary saturated fats were believed to contribute to heart disease, researchers were shocked to find that France, with its high intake of fatty foods, had less heart attack deaths than those in the US and the UK.

Laboratory studies show that Resveratrol can block the formation of new fat cells, reduce the accumulation of fat tissue, and enhance fat-burning efficiency. Resveratrol activates genes to stimulate fat-burning and increase metabolic heat — also known as thermogenesis, unlocking the body’s full fat-burning ability.
However, the most overlooked benefit is that Resveratrol is known to ‘remodel the gut’.
For example, studies demonstrate that it increases levels of friendly flora lactobacillus and bifidobacterium while reducing Enterococcus faecalis, a nasty bacteria associated with chronic infections, cancer and obesity.
Remember we talked about how bile is the body’s natural laxative? Well, Resveratrol also increases the body’s bile production to ensure bowel movements are easy, regular, and well-lubricated.
And to top it off, several studies have shown that Resveratrol can improve the integrity of proteins in the cells of the gut barrier. Resveratrol activates the genes involved in maintaining these tight junctions between the intestinal cells, helping the body to reverse a leaky gut condition.
What’s meant to be in the gut stays in the gut.
First, it provides a protective coated layer that cushions and protects cells from external toxins and even the body’s own digestive acids and enzymes.
And second, it creates a wet, slippery substance that helps movements pass through easily, helping to promote magical daily poops that practically slide out on their own without pushing or strain.
Like a well-lubricated slide, DGL helps poop effortlessly glide through the intestines while unclogging the colon and eliminating the build-up of “stuck poop” that causes excessive fecal weight issues.
DGL is the KEY to those perfect poops that slide out clean and require minimal wiping.
It’s also been used traditionally by women to help balance hormones during menstruation and menopause.
Star Anise: A 3000-Year-Old Ancient Secret That Optimizes Bile Production
Next, I included a 3000-year-old Asian secret called Star Anise…
Star Anise helps stimulate the digestive tract and release the body’s natural laxative, bile.
Many people with constipation have low bile and don’t even realize it.
Bile acids are created in the liver and released into the digestive system to help break down fats so they can be absorbed into the body through the small intestine.
Bile acid also softens stools, providing even more lubrication for poop to quickly move through the colon.
Quercetin: Master Antioxidant That Helps Repair Intestinal Damage And Reduces Allergies
I also included one of my all-time favorite ingredients, the plant-based polyphenol, Quercetin.
Quercetin is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and has been shown to support the body’s immune system.
Some studies even suggest that in certain conditions, it has the potential to help kill off cancer cells, control blood sugar, and also prevent heart disease.
And while that’s wonderful, the main reason I included Quercetin is because it also helps protect the intestinal walls from Archaea and other parasites…
Remember, we talked about how leaky gut is caused by holes in the gut lining that allow tiny particles of poop to leak into the bloodstream, causing headaches, joint pain and fatigue?
Quercetin acts like a repairman and helps cells patch up the holes and supports the mucosal lining of the gut, which is the protective barrier separating the gut from the bloodstream.
Resveratrol: A Powerful Fat Burner That Will Also ‘Remodel The Gut’
Now, remember we talked about Berberine and all of its incredible benefits for flushing the bowels and repairing the gut lining, but it’s just not very bio-available?
Well, our final ingredient, Resveratrol, is THE KEY to boosting bioavailability and unlocking all of its full power, as well as bringing its own powerful set of benefits.
For example, Resveratrol is one of the compounds responsible for the “French Paradox.”
At a time when dietary saturated fats were believed to contribute to heart disease, researchers were shocked to find that France, with its high intake of fatty foods, had less heart attack deaths than those in the US and the UK.

Laboratory studies show that Resveratrol can block the formation of new fat cells, reduce the accumulation of fat tissue, and enhance fat-burning efficiency. Resveratrol activates genes to stimulate fat-burning and increase metabolic heat — also known as thermogenesis, unlocking the body’s full fat-burning ability.
However, the most overlooked benefit is that Resveratrol is known to ‘remodel the gut’.
For example, studies demonstrate that it increases levels of friendly flora lactobacillus and bifidobacterium while reducing Enterococcus faecalis, a nasty bacteria associated with chronic infections, cancer and obesity.
Remember we talked about how bile is the body’s natural laxative? Well, Resveratrol also increases the body’s bile production to ensure bowel movements are easy, regular, and well-lubricated.
And to top it off, several studies have shown that Resveratrol can improve the integrity of proteins in the cells of the gut barrier. Resveratrol activates the genes involved in maintaining these tight junctions between the intestinal cells, helping the body to reverse a leaky gut condition.
What’s meant to be in the gut stays in the gut. Fully Empty The Bowels And Feel Ten Times Lighter

Previously buried deep in the walls of intestines, and feel relief, have more energy and reclaim vibrant health. Once the digestion-slowing bacteria are cleared out, the first thing one might notice ispooping speed increases. This is because pathogenic bacteria slow digestion to suit their needs. Clear out the bad guys and get things moving again!

👉🏽 FACT: Most cravings come from pathogenic signaling. That means — bad bacteria colonies that are trying to change the gut to suit THEIR needs. So, a person might be craving snacks and sugar and all kinds of things that create a more acidic environment — which allows them to multiply while their host gets sicker, fatter, and more backed up.

Our special combination of ingredients has been shown to reduce bad bacterial strains Desulfovibrionaceae, Acidaminococcaceae, Coriobacteriaceae, Bilophila, Lachnospiraceae, and its genus Lachnoclostridium. These pathogenic strains, which burrow themselves into the deep folds of the intestine, are all associated with excessive weight gain and obesity. Emma fights these bad guys to achieve a lean and trim waistline.

Digestion speed, or pooping speed, measures how much time it takes from eating to pooping. Methane gas, a toxic byproduct from several different strains of bacteria, has been shown in studies to slow pooping speed. This creates constipation, bloating, and stuck poop, and soon there’s waste that just hangs around fermenting inside the gut. Emma targets these bacteria to eradicate methane gas, speed up digestion, restore peristalsis and start fully eliminating waste daily.
Perfect Poops And Total Elimination

Finally, achieve that perfect ‘shape of the colon’ and experience complete relief and total elimination daily. Clean out the colon and feel much lighter and more energetic throughout the day. No more ‘backed up feeling’ or accumulating stuck waste which ferments in the gut, spreading toxic waste throughout the bloodstream. Enjoy a fresh, clean feeling with a trim waistline.

Many people don’t realize that besides the colon, the pores of the skin are a major source of elimination.When the colon becomes backed up, the body will find alternate ways to push the toxins out. Unfortunately, that means toxins, and irritants and waste products will be pushed out through the skin, resulting in acne, rosacea, skin rashes, and hives. Fix the elimination problem, and often, skin will clear up within just a few short weeks.

Studies have shown that it’s difficult to increase digestion speed without also simultaneously increasing the metabolism. Which is why ourMetabolic Repair Matrix was designed to crank up the metabolism, so fat is being burned aggressively instead of sitting around stuck to the intestines feeling bloated, backed up, and heavy.

Small intestinal bacterial imbalances consume nutrition from food and turn it into toxic waste products. Emma is designed to fight these invaders, to help start extracting more nutrition, and to extract the maximum amount of energy from each morsel of food to power through the day feeling alert and motivated.
Eliminating Bloating, Constipation, And Embarrassing Weight Gain

ACCELERATE DIGESTION SPEED — Instead of slow, sluggish bowels that barely move food through the system, Emma is going to rev up that engine and get things moving again, detoxifying the tissues and restoring the gut at the same time, achieving full elimination daily.

ONCE AGAIN ENJOY FAVORITE FOODS – Gas, bloating, and indigestion come from having bacteria and yeasts fermenting foods inside the digestive tract. No more weird restrictive diets. Emma will help superpower digestion to enjoy favorite foods.

HELP SUPPORT A STRONG GUT LINING – The gut lining prevents toxins, parasites, and undigested waste from leaking into the bloodstream causing fatigue, painful joints and headaches. Several of our ingredients have shown in studies to fight the bad guys and support the lining, keeping the contents of the intestines where they should be!

ENJOY TRAVELING WITHOUT FEAR – Protect The Family from pathogenic bacteria and parasites when traveling to beautiful tropical destinations outside of the developed world. Emma provides 24/7 protection from harmful bacteria and pathogenic parasites who are trying to make themselves at home inside the gut.
Frequently Asked Questions

Hey Dr. Sam, I’ve tried everything from laxatives, to cleanses to probiotics. And probiotics are quite popular these days so what makes Emma different from probiotics?
Probiotics have exploded in popularity over the last decade. So why has our gut health continued to get worse over the same time period?
Probiotics, in theory, are great.
However, there’s an important piece of the puzzle nobody is talking about.
To get the full benefits of probiotics, they have to travel through the hostile acidic environment in your stomach.
And the good bacteria that do survive only make it to your small intestine, which is not where they’re supposed to be.
You see, your gut microbiome is much deeper and resides in the large intestine.
So, if you’re suffering from digestive issues like constipation, bloating, gas, or diarrhea, it means you’ve got too many organisms in your small intestine already, which should be clean.
You might say taking a probiotic is like feeding a gang of violent criminals a five-course meal before they rob and destroy everything they see. That’s why sometimes, when you take a probiotic, you actually feel worse.
And the more archaea grow inside you, the more methane gas builds up in your body, slowing down your poop speed and causing constipation, bloating, painful cramps, and embarrassing gas.
What makes Emma so different from probiotics is that it follows a proven 3-step gut cleansing and healing protocol.
First, Emma wages war on archaea, other bad bacteria, even parasites, and their eggs, effectively a deep cleaning where you need it the most.
It then goes to work supporting health-promoting, metabolism-boosting, friendly flora in your gut microbiome while promoting the repair of the delicate lining of the digestive tract.
And lastly, Emma lubricates your digestive tract so that poop can practically slide out smoothly with a feeling of “complete release” while unclogging your colon and eliminating the built-up “stuck poop” from inside you.
The best part is, it’s safe, gentle, and made from plant-based ingredients.

I’ve always kinda suspected that my weight gain as I’ve gotten older is related to my digestion problems, and your presentation confirms this. So my questions is will Emma help me lose weight?
The main function of Emma is to help you enjoy “perfect poops” on a daily basis by naturally restoring balance to your gut environment while promoting the repair of the delicate lining of the digestive tract.
That being said, we get hundreds of emails from happy Emma customers who have noticed it can also have a slimming effect on your body as well.
The weight loss effect is more of a pleasant side effect, and it works through improving cellular processes that happen inside the body.
When your body stores fat, it’s directly related to how well you digest and metabolize food.
The key to Emma’s fat-burning is its ability to activate the AMPK Pathway – the body’s master metabolic switch.
For most people under normal resting conditions, AMPK is in “silent mode,” even though it’s always there.
This is an ancient metabolic switch that evolved for millions of years, and it controls how well our bodies turn food into energy.
After all, if all of your food was turned into energy, there would be nothing left to be stored as fat.
This powerful switch boosts fat-burning by supercharging the functions of mitochondria — the energy powerhouses — in our cells.
Our mitochondria are responsible for ramping up cellular energy production, and are central to many systems in the body.
Just think about it, if the cells burn more energy, your body will burn more fat. It’s really that simple.
Emma also aims to reduce fat storage by blocking the fat storage enzyme called lipoprotein lipase, as well.

Are there any side effects? Is it safe to take long term?
All of the ingredients in Emma are generally recognized as safe. It’s free from any dangerous drugs, there’s no stimulants, there’s no weird cleansing or laxatives, nothing that is going to cause dependence or addiction.
Above and beyond that, the three primary ingredients berberine, resveratrol, and quercetin have all been shown to extend lifespan in clinical animal studies.
The unique combination of ingredients is designed to converge on AMPK regulation on mitochondrial oxidative stress – a primary cause of aging.
This supports the future possibility that Emma has use even as an anti-aging supplement through antioxidation and AMPK cellular kinase activation, although that hasn’t really been our focus since Emma is so good at helping with digestion, reducing bloating, full elimination, and saying goodbye to cravings for good.

I don’t have constipation very often, but I do struggle with food allergies.
Food allergies are a sign that undigested waste products are leaking into the bloodstream, getting pushed out into the tissues, where they are being seen as foreign invaders.
This causes an allergic reaction like hives, redness, itching, or swelling. It causes fatigue because your body now has to expend energy to clean it up, and it can also get into the joints causing stiffness and pain too.
When you see those people who can eat whatever they want and still have a six-pack it means they have an extremely strong microbiome. You see, the human body in its natural form is actually amazing and you can digest almost any food on this planet without distress.
But over time, the microbiome becomes degraded, invaders take hold, you lose your ability to process certain foods, and pretty soon, you’re listing your allergies to the waiter or avoiding this and that.
And it has nothing to do with you personally, it’s literally a damaged microbiome, and it isn’t a permanent condition.
You see, many of our customers have found that after taking Emma, their skin problems have started to clear up, and now they enjoy ice cream again…
They can have bread again…
They can have eggs again…
And now food doesn’t make them sleepy like it used to.
You’ll be able to enjoy eating your favorite foods again without digestive discomfort, your mood is improved, you have more mental clarity, more energy, and it’s really nice.
Really, the best way to find out if Emma will work for you is to pick one of the packages below and just give it a shot. Again, you’re not really making a decision today, you can try it out, experience the benefits, and THEN decide if it’s for you. You’re always protected by our ironclad 90-day guarantee.

Will Emma help with bloating and constipation?
Apart from relieving constipation, Emma is very effective at reducing occasional bloating and constipation.
You see, uncomfortable bloating and constipation primarily come from archaea colonizing the small intestine and producing high levels of methane gas.
Methane gas slows down peristalsis which is the scientific term for the time your poop travels through your digestive tract.
And the more methane gas your body produces, the more “backed up” and bloated you’re going to be.
Once Emma goes to work and eliminates the methane-producing archaea from your small intestine, it helps restore peristalsis, and gets things moving the way they should again.
Emma also increases the body’s mucus-producing cells in your intestines to provide a slippery substance to help poop pass through easily while unclogging your colon and eliminating the years of stuck poop.
It’s literally the lubrication your digestive tract needs to make everything work down there.
You might be shocked at how well it works for bloating and constipation.

Will Emma help with diarrhea?
Diarrhea and constipation are 2 sides of the same coin. If you have diarrhea you also have constipation. I know it might sound counterintuitive, so I’ll break it down for you.
Archaea and other parasites use your digestive system to suit their own needs. What they do most of the time is slow down peristalsis to increase their own feeding time.
And depending on your health, your hormones, and how long you’ve had the problem, your body will deal with that situation in one of two ways.
If you’re close to the time when the archaea has taken hold, most people’s bodies will desperately just try to clear everything out. That’s why some people will experience diarrhea too. It’s your body trying to just get rid of the problem.
But it’s unhealthy to have diarrhea over a long period of time because it causes dehydration. So after a while, your body might give up, let Archaea take over as your body settles into chronic, long-term constipation.
And there’s also the hormonal component. For example, men have a tendency to lean toward diarrhea, while women tend to lean toward constipation. Some women will even alternate between constipation and diarrhea throughout the month with their menstruation cycle.
And while different people have different responses based on these factors, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re dealing with an organism that has hijacked your intestines as their own breeding ground.
Of course, these bugs can burrow deep into the folds of your intestines, and just flushing out the contents of your bowels won’t necessarily get rid of all of them. That’s why it’s important to continue Emma for at least 3-4 months.
That’s why we recommend the 3 or 6-month packages, which also give you the biggest discount as well.

How fast will I see results?
Everybody is different and it really depends on how long archaea have lived inside your body and the amount of damage they’ve caused to your digestive system in that time.
Overall, many of our customers start to feel relief like better bowel elimination, less bloating, gas, and cramps, fewer food sensitivities, and a lift in their mood within the first 2-3 days.
Some people even say they get relief almost immediately – meaning just a few hours after taking their first dose.
Other changes like weight loss, for example, may happen over time as a byproduct of improving your digestion and cellular processes.
Remember, your digestion is literally the system that feeds every other system in the body, so there’s no limit to the benefits you may experience.
It might start in your brain when you start to crave more healthy foods… Or you notice more mental energy, improved focus, and clarity as your body rids itself of toxic byproducts…
You might notice a reduction in body odor or bad breath as your internal methane production decreases as the Archaea and other parasitic bugs are eliminated…
You might notice you feel much better after every meal as your digestion improves and the range of foods you can eat expands, and your metabolism burns hotter and more effective at turning food into energy…
And even though many of these improvements will happen in the first month, your gut flora will continue to improve over the next 12-16 weeks. You might notice you feel like an entirely new person by that time as you experience many cascading benefits over time.
You’ll start seeing new metabolic improvements as your body begins to absorb more nutrients, increase your cellular energy, and speed up waste elimination.