Are you clean inside?

We shower, brush our teeth and wash our hair on a daily basis, but we tend to ignore cleaning our insides until some form of disease sends a wake-up call. We shower, brush our teeth and wash our hair on a daily basis, but we tend to ignore cleaning our insides until some form of disease sends us a wake-up call.

The lower bowel benefits from periodic thorough cleansing too. Constipation, skin eruptions, headaches, joint pain, gas, bloating, stomach aches, chronic fatigue, weight gain, parasites and digestive problems can all be signs of a toxic colon.

Don’t suffer silently from these painful, and often embarrassing, health conditions. Experience how colon cleansing can help.

Colon cleansing can be compared to the process of deep cleaning your home. There are times when we need to move the stove, the refrigerator and the heavy furniture in order to deeply clean in the corners, nooks and crannies of our well lived-in spaces.

The colon benefits from periodic, thorough cleansing too. Constipation, skin eruptions, headaches, joint pain, gas, bloating, stomach aches, chronic fatigue, weight gain, parasites and digestive problems can all be signs of a toxic colon.

Don’t suffer silently from these painful, and often embarrassing, health conditions. Experience how colon cleansing can help.

Your colon may also be the carrier of unwanted extra weight and toxicity. The uncomfortable bloating around your abdomen may likely begin deep in the bowel, and be a breeding-ground for unhealthy bacteria, and advancing disease. It’s time for a change!

Colon cleansing helps to:

  • eliminate toxic waste and gas from the body
  • re-hydrate the body through the lower bowel
  • re-tone the colon wall
  • improve nutrient absorption
  • improve colon function
  • regulate bowel movements

Various colon cleansing protocols assist the body to eliminate old, built-up waste material. Colon cleansing helps to rid the large intestine of excess waste, and assist in reducing the toxic load on the liver. This process is especially effective in support of a detox program, cleansing diet and/or weight loss regime.

Whenever you use ANY cleansing protocol, keep in mind that rinsing the colon with enemas, colemas or closed system colonic irrigations can be a valuable support!  Rinsing the colon with water is like cleaning your house with the windows open.

Closed system, FDA registered colon hydrotherapy equipment uses ultra-violet water filtration. Sanitary treatments are administered by a certified and experienced colonic therapist. Contact Joanie at Oasis Wellness for recommendations of colonic therapists in your area.

To inquire further about colon cleansing and colonics, you may contact Joanie at or call 830-342-4242.